mCRL2 Toolset | "mCRL2 is a formal specification language with an associated toolset. The toolset can be used for modelling, validation and verification of concurrent systems and protocols." - |
Soundness Prover | This is a proof of concept for my paper Automating Soundness Proofs. It takes an SOS specification S, a definition of relation R and an (in)equality e and tries to prove that e satisfies R in S. |
CHDK | I ported the CHDK to the Canon IXUS 870 IS and have written some documentation to (hopefully) help future porters to get started. I've also made a PTP interface for CHDK to allow for more extensive control over the camera via the computer. |
MI-23 RS-232 | Python script implementing the RS-232 protocol for the Hapé MI-23 MK3. My description of the protocol can be found here. |